About Us

Walnut Intelligence (Walnut) is a career education platform on a mission to bridge the gap between Education and Employment.

Our Beliefs

  • Value of Education: We believe in the power of higher education.
  • Student Concerns: We're aware students are wondering if your college will really prepare them for great jobs.
  • Industry Needs: We understand companies are struggling to find skilled workers for jobs that need to be filled.
  • Humanities Matter: We get that liberal arts majors may not have the fastest-growing job markets, but they're still needed.
  • Life Goals: We know your graduates don't just want a job. They want to live well, start families, and enjoy life.
  • The Disconnect: We see the gap between what's taught in schools and what's happening in the real world.
  • Room for Improvement: We think there's room to make things better, especially in aligning education with real-world job needs.

Our Team

Alina white background

Alina Okun

Alina Okun is the Co-Founder of Walnut Intelligence. Before starting Walnut, she was a CFO at a tech startup and is an angel investor in 7 companies. She also spent 20 years in Corporate Finance, working in 11 industries across 8 countries.


New Jersey, USA


  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Strategy and Innovation
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Entrepreneurial Studies
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Public Accounting


Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Interesting Fact:

Co-author of two best-selling books

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Jessica white background

Jessica Seepersad

Jessica Seepersad is the Co-Founder of Walnut Intelligence. Before starting Walnut, she was a Government Consultant supporting the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Health and Human Services Administration of Children and Families, and the National Transportation Safety Board. She also spent almost 10 years in Continuity of Operations Planning and Disaster Response at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).


Colorado, USA


  • Masters in Development Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (BSFS) in International Affairs specializing in Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe from Georgetown University


Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP)

Interesting Fact:

Traveled to 46 countries